Abductor Pollicis Brevis Muscle
This muscle is a muscle that are located in the hand that function as abductor of the thumb. So athletic need to work with this muscle...
Gracilis Muscle
This muscle is one of the basic muscle that can be found in the groin. You can find it at ischiopubic ramus (pubic bone). This important...
Trapeziums Muscle
This muscle is another important muscle in our body is basically extend longitudinally from the occipital bone to the lower throracic...
Platysma muscle
The Platysma is also known as superficial muscle that can overlaps the sternocleidomastoid. This muscle helps athletic by it cover a...
Sternohyoid Muscles
This muscle is a thin muscle attaching the hyoid bone to the sternum. The fuctions of this muscles is the depression of the hyoid bone....

Orbicularis Oculi Muscle
This muscle is known as of the three parts: The orbital portion, the palpebra portiona, and the lacrimal portion. You can find this...

Orbicularis Oris Muscle
Orbicularis muscle is a sphincter muscle that are encircles the mouth. It normally founded between the skin and the mucous members of...

Tendinous Inscription
This muscle is also known as rectus abdominis muscles, this muscles is crossed by the three fibrous bands called tendinous intersection...

Risorius Muscles
This is another important muscle in our body that located at the chest and neck so for athletic they need to work into it because the...
Soleus is onether important muscle in our body that all people expecially athletic it's kind the same as gastrocnemius because of the...